Kids playing in the grass.

Child Status Protection Act: Children of Asylees and Refugees

In many parts of the U.S. including Columbus, Ohio and Troy, Michigan, refugees and asylees struggle to find a new life and to forget their troubled past. The Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) offers much needed assistance to them. As we discussed in prior blogs, the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) prevents certain foreign national…

Child on a swing in the park.

Child Status Protection Act (CSPA): Retroactive Application

Many of our Family Immigration clients in Columbus, Ohio; Troy, Michigan; and elsewhere share their frustration that notwithstanding near a decade since the passage of the Child Status Protection ACT (CSPA), USCIS continues to struggle with its interpretation. I explained in my prior blog, that CSPA was enacted on August 6, 2002 and contains remedies…